Sermon Take Away: “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”

Gospel of John 14 The earthly ministry of Jesus Christ was very spiritual, powerful and busy. Many people were saved and many doubted. His concern was for all people, but the twelve disciples were special to him. He knew that they would have to follow in his footsteps to point people to God through the salvation. One of his final messages was to “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”. The last few hours prior to his arrest were spent in prayer, consolation, and teaching with disciples. He understood their confusion and disappointment in response to his words of leaving them. Even though they did not quite … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”

Sermon Take Away: “Nothing Between”

Gospel of Mark 2 Jesus Christ is our eternal hope today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. He is our blessed Savior, who gave his life for our sins. His death has freed us from the chains of evil and has paved the way for forgiveness, repentance and eternal life. Because he is omnipresence, he is always with us.  Everyday we must praise him and draw close to him. In doing so, there will be Nothing Between you and your Savior. In the Gospels, there were many occasions where people needed to see Jesus. His teachings and the miracles that he did, kept crowds … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Nothing Between”

Sermon Take Away: “What Spirit Are You Following”

I John 4, Lamentations 3:22 It is so easy to give into false worship. It is not only the literal worship of idols. It is denying the very presence of God. As many take inventory of the past year and look forward to the new year, this is the time to consider What Spirit Are You Following. There may be times when God is denied unintentionally. The world has conformed itself to accept that there is a higher being and that there are spirits. But God is just not any spirit. He is the God, the Creator of all things. Artists write and sing songs … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “What Spirit Are You Following”

Sermon Take Away: “I Am Healed”

Mark 5:25-34; Romans 8:3 Faith in Jesus Christ gives an overflow of continuous blessings. There is nothing that is impossible, if we believe. Faith will take us to the point to be healed of anything that concerns us. Faith leads us to speak, ” I Am Healed”.  There was a woman who suffered with a blood infirmity for twelve years. The doctors could not help her and she spent all that she had. She even became worse in her condition. She heard that Jesus was travelling through teaching and healing. She believed in herself that if she was to touch his garment, she would be healed. Already … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “I Am Healed”

Sermon Take Away: “Walking in the Spirit”

Galatians 5; Romans 13:10 The word of God is good to read, learn, and apply. In it, we learn about Jesus Christ who became the innocent lamb to redeem us from sins. It is through him that we walk in the spirit.  Since the beginning, God has always given man choices. His gifts are called free promises. “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” Liberty is a gift. Christ has given us liberty from the bondage of sins. In his liberty, his spirit gives love. Therefore, we must love in … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Walking in the Spirit”

Sermon Take Away: “I Will Rejoice”

Philippians 4; Acts 9:4 “I will rejoice”  is a testament of personal faith.  In the Epistle to the Philippians, Paul encouraged the church to rejoice.  Rejoice is a continuous praise of triumph and great joy in the faith of God the Almighty. Thoughts of him dwell in the heart and mind of his people.   Paul had no particular doctrinal issue with the Philippians. He expressed his hope, gratitude and love for the church. He wrote this epistle in A.D.61, while he was in prison. Living in a time of church persecutions, one may think he had no reasons to rejoice. … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “I Will Rejoice”

Sermon Take Away: “God is Good”

Scripture: Psalm 86:5; Mark 10:12-22 Good is one of the many attributes of God. It refers to his righteousness and his power. It refers to his faithfulness. We become who we are in Christ because of his goodness. Good tells us that he is complete. God is everything and has everything that we need. He is good because he is “ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy unto all that call upon thee”. In the gospel of Mark, the rich man called Jesus good master. But Jesus corrected him and told him that “there is none but one, that is, … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “God is Good”

Sermon Take Away: “Let Jesus Abide in You”

Scripture: John 15 & 14; Matthew 7:7 Everyday we hear about so much trouble in our families, communities and the world. As bad as things are, we still have a present help and eternal hope in Jesus Christ. A relationship with him makes things happen. When Christ walked among people, he wanted people to know love. The parable of the true vine tells us about the relationship of Christ with followers. The true vine is Christ, the branches is the church and the husbandman is God, our Creator of all things. Teaching and living the gospel keeps us connected to … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Let Jesus Abide in You”

Sermon Take Away: “All Things Are Ready”

Scripture: Revelation 19:1-13 In Revelation 19, attention is given to the exuberant joy in heaven with the worship to God who sat on the throne. What a wonderful message which tells of the honor and allegiance given to God and to Christ. It is spiritual therapy to read about the heavenly harmony of peace and love. The day will come when all believers will join in with the heavenly host to sing praises and honor in the very presence of our Heavenly Father and our Savior. Christ has made all things ready. He came down from heaven and gave his … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “All Things Are Ready”

Sermon Take Away: “Faith to the Saving of the Soul”

Scripture: Hebrews 10:38; Matthew 17:14-21 When we trust in God, we demonstrate a faith. It is faith, which allows us to believe to the saving of the soul. In other words, our soul is saved because we believe in the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ. Hebrews 11 is the classic faith chapter about the men and women of God who lived in faith by the promises of God. “But without faith it is impossible to please him…” In faith, they were persuaded and embraced the word of God. Persuasion occurs when the word of God is accepted. Then … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Faith to the Saving of the Soul”

Sermon Take Away: “Tell The Lord That You Love Him”

Scripture: John 20:15-19; Matthew 26:34 How often do we tell the Lord that we love him. Throughout the history of God’s people, he wanted Israel to love him above all other things. To love him is to acknowledge that he is the Lord of your life. In the Gospel of John, Jesus told Peter that he would deny him three times. “Verily, I say unto thee, that this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.” When Christ was arrested, Peter followed from a distance and when he was noticed and questioned by the people, he denied that … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Tell The Lord That You Love Him”

Sermon Take Away: “Love Is”

Scripture: I Corinthians 13; I John 4:8 God is love. Love is pure, genuine and unchanging. It is not an emotion. In some way, his love transforms us. It is a genuine attitude in our approach to life that becomes consistent and deepens. Apostle Paul perceived that the Corinth church did not respond to the work of the ministry in love. They had misunderstandings when it came to ministry positions and the working of the Holy Spirit. All which have to do with understanding the love of God. Whatever we do, if it is not in love, it profits us … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Love Is”

Sermon Take Away: “Praise Is What I Do”

Scripture: Acts 16:16-40; Psalm 147:1 Praise is an act of expressing adoration and honor to God. Nothing changes who he is. No situation governs how we praise him. Praise is due him because he is God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. The Creator of you and me. Believers praise God through all situations, good and bad. It is something that comes natural from us. “For praise is comely.” We were made to praise God. It is doing those challenging times, that we really find out how we trust in him. Paul and Silas were taken into prison … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Praise Is What I Do”

Sermon Take Away: “Servant”

Scripture: John 13:1-17 “The servant is not greater than his lord, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.” These were the words of Christ as he taught the disciples the position of a servant. Christ life was full of teachable and spiritual moments. He showed by example how we are servants. He gave his life for man, so that we can be saved. The feet washing ceremonial is very important in the work of the ministry. So important, that Christ taught it to the disciples in his last few hours before he was taken prison by … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Servant”

Sermon Take Away: “Work On The Inside”

Scripture: I Samuel 16:7; Psalm 51; Jeremiah 17:9,10 God does not look at the outer appearance of man. His concern is how we really are. The heart is the character of a man. It is in our heart that we cherish love and faith in the presence of God Almighty. When Samuel sought for the man who was to replace Saul, he was not to look at his countenance or his height, but “for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looked on the heart”. Daily asked for a clean … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Work On The Inside”

Sermon Take Away: “Chosen”

Scripture: I Timothy 1:15; I Corinthians 15:10 No one is beyond being saved. Jesus died to save the world from sins. The bible teaches us that God is very just in all of his ways. He does not hide anything about his people. Their lives are an example and testimony to what the grace of God will do in our lives. The ministry of Apostle Paul is one of substantial bible teaching when it comes to understanding that God’s purpose will be fulfilled, even to save the chief of sinners. “But by the grace of God I am what I … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Chosen”

Sermon Take Away: “Hold On To Peace”

Scripture: Ephesians 2:14; Philippians 4:6-8 God has given us so much in our blessed Savior Jesus Christ. He knew that life would include triumphs, trials and unsettling moments. In faith, we learn to trust Jesus for all things. “For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us…” Peace is to trust in the will of God. It is to have a contentment to depend on Jesus for all things. It is a state of mind and heart that comes from having faith in his presence. In exchange of … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Hold On To Peace”

Sermon Take Away: “One Touch Can Change Everything”

Scripture: Colossians 1:13-24 The path of righteousness in Christ is our way to heaven. Righteousness is the freedom of sin. This is fulfilled by the death and resurrection of God’s only begotten son, Jesus Christ. He is the foundation to a righteousness life. Upon acceptance of Christ as our Savior, one touch can change everything. To abide in righteousness we must be obedient to the word of God and have patience in discipline. While in obedience and discipline, we must rely on the fruits of the spirit to help us in our life with Christ. A steady growth in Christ, … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “One Touch Can Change Everything”

Sermon Take Away: “The Good Shepherd”

Scripture: Psalm 23; John 10:11-18 The love of God was manifested in the life and death of Jesus Christ. He came to magnify the word of God, to give it understanding. In his mission, he provided clarity to the commands and the teachings in the bible. The synagogue teachers had become doers of the word with a spirit of self-righteousness and lack of love. Love is the reflection of the word of God because he is love. Jesus taught in metaphors and parables to relate things/objects that were familiar with the people. In the gospel of John, Jesus identified himself … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “The Good Shepherd”

Sermon Take Away: “I AM”

Scripture: Exodus 3:14; 12:40;14:13-22 God is awesome in all his ways. He is the Creator of all things. He controls all things. He is the earth’s timekeeper. In his time, people are called, people are delivered and people are saved. The children of Israel were in bondage for 430 years. At the appointed time, God called Moses, 80 years of age, to deliver Israel from the Egyptian Pharaoh. God spoke to him in the burning bush. Moses did not feel comfortable for this great mission. He had fear of the great number of people and his lack of speaking ability. … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “I AM”