Sermon Take Away: “Mercy and Grace”

Mark 10:46-52; Romans 10:9 The goodness of God is expressed in his love and forgiveness. He is the epitome of love. Every morning, he pours his love on us with new mercies accompanied with his amazing grace, giving us double portions of his goodness to sustain faith in him. The good news about Jesus was heard throughout his traveling cities. Blind Bartimaeus heard that he was passing through and he positioned himself to be heard of him. Now this was a man who could not see, but yet he had spiritual insight to know Jesus. As Jesus approached his way,he … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Mercy and Grace”

Sermon Take Away: “Grateful”

Exodus 20:17; Luke 12:15-21; I Thessalonians 5:18 The ten commandments are a standard of principles in which good behavior is is commanded. In obeying his commands, God is pleased. The 10th commandment, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s” is a command to respect and love our neighbor. To covet is to desire what others have and/or to desire an abundance of something. The opposite of covet is grateful. Grateful is to be thankful and content. There is no need to … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Grateful”

Sermon Take Away: “All I Know Is Jesus”

John 14:13; John 16:23; Galatians 2:20 Having a mind made up to follow Jesus! What a testimony for people of faith to remain steadfast in the love, mercy, goodness, and saving grace of God Almighty. In faith living, we believe that everything turns to Jesus. We depend on him for all that we need, want, or go through. In the gospel of John 14, Jesus talked directly with his disciples. He was preparing them for his departure. They were to do greater works than Christ because his work on earth was about to end. It is through there great missionary … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “All I Know Is Jesus”

Sermon Take Away: “God Is Good”

Psalm 145; Psalms 25:8; James 1:17 God is good! Nothing and no one will ever change who he is. Through our ups and down, our faith remains that God is Good. The book of Psalms are writing of the history, praises, and prayers from the people of God. The one consistent message in each of these writings is that God is good. He is unsearchable. He has the power and authority of all things. The quality of good is a fruit of the spirit. Being good is to be morally right. God’s goodness is pure, untouchable, and on a different … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “God Is Good”