Sermon Take Away: “God Is Good”

Psalm 145; Psalms 25:8; James 1:17 God is good! Nothing and no one will ever change who he is. Through our ups and down, our faith remains that God is Good. The book of Psalms are writing of the history, praises, and prayers from the people of God. The one consistent message in each of these writings is that God is good. He is unsearchable. He has the power and authority of all things. The quality of good is a fruit of the spirit. Being good is to be morally right. God’s goodness is pure, untouchable, and on a different … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “God Is Good”

Sermon Take Away: “How Great Thou Art”

Daniel Chapter 4; Romans 5:8 The word of God tells us who we are and who we can become. We were born sinners. But we can die a righteous person in Christ Jesus. We are nothing without God, the Creator of life and all living creatures. He alone is great! In the book of Daniel, there was a heathen king of Babylon name Nebuchadnezzar. Even though he was advised by Daniel the Prophet, he remained full of pride and denied the presence of God. As a result, he was driven in the wilderness and ate grass as oxen. His body … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “How Great Thou Art”

Sermon Take Away: “Work On The Inside”

Scripture: I Samuel 16:7; Psalm 51; Jeremiah 17:9,10 God does not look at the outer appearance of man. His concern is how we really are. The heart is the character of a man. It is in our heart that we cherish love and faith in the presence of God Almighty. When Samuel sought for the man who was to replace Saul, he was not to look at his countenance or his height, but “for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looked on the heart”. Daily asked for a clean … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Work On The Inside”

Sermon Take Away: “Chosen”

Scripture: I Timothy 1:15; I Corinthians 15:10 No one is beyond being saved. Jesus died to save the world from sins. The bible teaches us that God is very just in all of his ways. He does not hide anything about his people. Their lives are an example and testimony to what the grace of God will do in our lives. The ministry of Apostle Paul is one of substantial bible teaching when it comes to understanding that God’s purpose will be fulfilled, even to save the chief of sinners. “But by the grace of God I am what I … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Chosen”