Sermon Take Away: “Mind Stayed on Jesus”

Isaiah 26:3; Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:12 “Thou will keep in in perfect peace, who mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Perfect peace is from God, who changeth not. He wants nothing but the best for us. He gives a peace that will hold us and strengthen our endurance in the faith. We are to trust him forever. King David is often mentioned for his trust God. His faults and enemies did not take him from God. He knew who to call on in his adversities. A made up mind on Jesus keeps us positive and hopeful … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Mind Stayed on Jesus”

Sermon Take Away: “Mercy and Grace”

Mark 10:46-52; Romans 10:9 The goodness of God is expressed in his love and forgiveness. He is the epitome of love. Every morning, he pours his love on us with new mercies accompanied with his amazing grace, giving us double portions of his goodness to sustain faith in him. The good news about Jesus was heard throughout his traveling cities. Blind Bartimaeus heard that he was passing through and he positioned himself to be heard of him. Now this was a man who could not see, but yet he had spiritual insight to know Jesus. As Jesus approached his way,he … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Mercy and Grace”

Sermon Take Away: “Grateful”

Exodus 20:17; Luke 12:15-21; I Thessalonians 5:18 The ten commandments are a standard of principles in which good behavior is is commanded. In obeying his commands, God is pleased. The 10th commandment, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s” is a command to respect and love our neighbor. To covet is to desire what others have and/or to desire an abundance of something. The opposite of covet is grateful. Grateful is to be thankful and content. There is no need to … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Grateful”

Sermon Take Away: “All I Know Is Jesus”

John 14:13; John 16:23; Galatians 2:20 Having a mind made up to follow Jesus! What a testimony for people of faith to remain steadfast in the love, mercy, goodness, and saving grace of God Almighty. In faith living, we believe that everything turns to Jesus. We depend on him for all that we need, want, or go through. In the gospel of John 14, Jesus talked directly with his disciples. He was preparing them for his departure. They were to do greater works than Christ because his work on earth was about to end. It is through there great missionary … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “All I Know Is Jesus”

Sermon Take Away: “God Is Good”

Psalm 145; Psalms 25:8; James 1:17 God is good! Nothing and no one will ever change who he is. Through our ups and down, our faith remains that God is Good. The book of Psalms are writing of the history, praises, and prayers from the people of God. The one consistent message in each of these writings is that God is good. He is unsearchable. He has the power and authority of all things. The quality of good is a fruit of the spirit. Being good is to be morally right. God’s goodness is pure, untouchable, and on a different … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “God Is Good”

Sermon Take Away: “Wrestle With Our Faith”

Matthew 16:16 To say God is good, sometimes just is not enough. His mercy and grace never fails us. We thank him for our faith living, which binds his people together. Faith is to trust in his word, his will. Faith is to love him and to love each other. It is to know that his presence is enduring. Faith aligns with the Holy Spirit, who reveals the will of God. Challenges and questions will arise in what we believe, in the reality of our ministry, and who we are. They are not a sign of weakness, but that we … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Wrestle With Our Faith”

Sermon Take Away: “A Gethesame Moment”

I Kings 19:9-21; Luke 22:40-44 Faith living is trusting God for all things and at all times. People of God are so richly graced with the gift of longsuffering, enduring their trials because of their love and faith in the living God Almighty. Elijah was a faithful prophet who tried to persuade Israel to cease from their idol worship and return to God. He was that opposing voice against false worship. So much, that Jezebel the evil wife of Ahab the king of Israel, had threaten to end his life, just as she did other prophets. It was then that … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “A Gethesame Moment”

Sermon Take Away: “That Living Water”

John 4; James 3:17; Matthew 5:5; John 19:28 Thank God that Jesus never fails.   He was born into this world to save humanity from the destruction of sins. Before his death he taught very valuable and life changing lessons. He is the answer for all things. Jesus Christ is that living water. Jesus was missioned driven. His ministry was for all who would listen, believe and accept. As he made his way to Samaria, he met a woman at the well and requested for a drink of water. But the woman questioned Jesus because the Jews and the Samaritans … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “That Living Water”

Sermon Take Away: “Let This Cup Pass from Me”

Matthew 26:36-42 One of the most soul-stirring prayers was Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. His humanity is fully expressed in this prayer. The Garden was his place for valuable time to commune with his Father in heaven. Before him was a death that no man in earth’s history will experience. He was going to be crucified for the sins of the world. The Father had given him a cup of sorrow and death, so that we may have joy and life. What is to important about this prayer is that Christ responded just as any man would when … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Let This Cup Pass from Me”

Sermon Take Away: “A Little More Jesus”

Matthew 16:15 It is so uplifting to hear and see people of God in worship. It is something about the atmosphere of praise. There is a sense of faith, love and unspeakable joy for him. Thoughts of why, how, and when he saved us sparks a continual worship of great gratitude. He is praised for his abiding mercies and amazing grace. While in worship and praise, we let him know of our need for him. Always, we need a little more Jesus. A little more Jesus is to say that we need him at all times. He gives us bountiful … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “A Little More Jesus”

Sermon Take Away: “Calling My Name”

Isaiah 43; Romans 10:9 “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” There are so many wonderful things about our heavenly Father. His presence is truly awesome. His mercies are everlasting. His love is unconditional. Simply, he is good all the time! There are times when he is taken for granted. He speaks to us in all things and tells us about ourselves. It is up to us to see God in all things. He is aware of the living and those who are sleeping in their graves. There is nothing that … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Calling My Name”

Sermon Take Away: “Jesus Christ is Coming Back”

I Thessalonians 4:16; Matthew 24:40 Jesus Christ is indeed our resurrected Savior. He is setting at the right hand of God the Father with all power in heaven, in earth, and under the earth. He is our mediator with the Father. He represent us who believe and know him as the Savior of our souls. Sin had separated man from God. ( I Timothy 2:5) But now we have the gift of an eternal life in Jesus. With his resurrection over 2000 years, our attention should be focused on his second coming. He promised that he will return to receive … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Jesus Christ is Coming Back”

Sermon Take Away: “The Value of Life”

Luke 16:19; Romans 10:9 How often do you think about the purpose of life? Life is more than just daily routines. At anytime, your life could be taken. No one can pray your way into heaven once you die. In life only, can you make Jesus your choice. Life is linked to an eternal life with God the Father and Jesus Christ the Savior. We take nothing with us when we die. The only thing that God requires is our soul, which comes from him. We were made for his glory to honor, love and, worship him. To believe and … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “The Value of Life”

Sermon Take Away: “Patience”

Psalm 37; Genesis 39; Philippians 4:8 The word of God is full of inspiration in regards to patience.  Without it we will be paranoid and take matters in our own hands.  In a world of evildoers and an adversary, which seeks to destroy, patience is a valuable quality.   “Fret not thyself because of  evildoers, neither be envious against the workers of iniquity.”  We are not to worry or be jealous because of what they do, but seek  God for eternal life.  Patience makes you breathe, removing the feelings of worry. Stay focused on who you are in Jesus Christ, taking the time … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Patience”

Sermon Take Away: “Hunger and Thirst”

Matthew 5:6 The word of God gives us so much promise for an everlasting relationship with him. In his ministry, Jesus was touched by the many people that followed him. He connected to their thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Even so that he presented the disciples, the beatitudes, a collection of blessings that address the inner character of true believers. “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness…” Each blessings is an expression of the intent of heart in true believers. There was a need for spiritual understanding. Hunger and thirst refers to the need to be filled with the … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Hunger and Thirst”

Sermon Take Away: “Endure”

James 5:11; I Corinthians 2:9; 2 Corinthians 4:17 We often question why do people of God have trouble, trials, and sometimes a very hard day. It is understood that the sun will not always shine, while we patiently, but with some anxiety wait for prayers to be answered. But the rain and the clouds produce a hardened faith that will not change. There is something greater to consider in those difficult times. The word is endure. Endure is to stay the course, don’t give up and tolerate. In faith, endure is not just living to exist. Endure means that nothing … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Endure”

Sermon Take Away: “In Fellowship With God”

I John Chapter 1 From the very beginning of creation, God the Father has always wanted to be with his people. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in his image for his glory. The conception of sin had placed a barrier between him and his people. But because his love surpasses the fall of man, he made a way that we can still have fellowship with him. The Apostle John is highly esteemed for his love of God. He walked, talked, and learned in the presence of Jesus Christ. In his epistle, he wrote about the need of fellowship. Fellowship … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “In Fellowship With God”