Sermon Take Away: “Endure”

James 5:11; I Corinthians 2:9; 2 Corinthians 4:17 We often question why do people of God have trouble, trials, and sometimes a very hard day. It is understood that the sun will not always shine, while we patiently, but with some anxiety wait for prayers to be answered. But the rain and the clouds produce a hardened faith that will not change. There is something greater to consider in those difficult times. The word is endure. Endure is to stay the course, don’t give up and tolerate. In faith, endure is not just living to exist. Endure means that nothing … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Endure”

Sermon Take Away: “In Fellowship With God”

I John Chapter 1 From the very beginning of creation, God the Father has always wanted to be with his people. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in his image for his glory. The conception of sin had placed a barrier between him and his people. But because his love surpasses the fall of man, he made a way that we can still have fellowship with him. The Apostle John is highly esteemed for his love of God. He walked, talked, and learned in the presence of Jesus Christ. In his epistle, he wrote about the need of fellowship. Fellowship … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “In Fellowship With God”

Sermon Take Away: “God Sees You”

Psalms 139; I Corinthians 2:9 God is a great God! He is so merciful, just, and good all the time. His power is seen in all of his creations. He is omnipresent, he is always present. What a blessing to know that “God Sees You”. The life of King David is written in the psalms. He wrote his deepest devotions of his faithful relationship with God. He was very familiar with his power and all honor that was due to him. The ways of every person is taken into account, “and thou acquainted with all my ways.” He knows the … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “God Sees You”