Sermon Take Away: “Patience”

Psalm 37; Genesis 39; Philippians 4:8 The word of God is full of inspiration in regards to patience.  Without it we will be paranoid and take matters in our own hands.  In a world of evildoers and an adversary, which seeks to destroy, patience is a valuable quality.   “Fret not thyself because of  evildoers, neither be envious against the workers of iniquity.”  We are not to worry or be jealous because of what they do, but seek  God for eternal life.  Patience makes you breathe, removing the feelings of worry. Stay focused on who you are in Jesus Christ, taking the time … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Patience”

Sermon Take Away: “Hunger and Thirst”

Matthew 5:6 The word of God gives us so much promise for an everlasting relationship with him. In his ministry, Jesus was touched by the many people that followed him. He connected to their thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Even so that he presented the disciples, the beatitudes, a collection of blessings that address the inner character of true believers. “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness…” Each blessings is an expression of the intent of heart in true believers. There was a need for spiritual understanding. Hunger and thirst refers to the need to be filled with the … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Hunger and Thirst”

Sermon Take Away: “Endure”

James 5:11; I Corinthians 2:9; 2 Corinthians 4:17 We often question why do people of God have trouble, trials, and sometimes a very hard day. It is understood that the sun will not always shine, while we patiently, but with some anxiety wait for prayers to be answered. But the rain and the clouds produce a hardened faith that will not change. There is something greater to consider in those difficult times. The word is endure. Endure is to stay the course, don’t give up and tolerate. In faith, endure is not just living to exist. Endure means that nothing … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Endure”

Sermon Take Away: “In Fellowship With God”

I John Chapter 1 From the very beginning of creation, God the Father has always wanted to be with his people. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in his image for his glory. The conception of sin had placed a barrier between him and his people. But because his love surpasses the fall of man, he made a way that we can still have fellowship with him. The Apostle John is highly esteemed for his love of God. He walked, talked, and learned in the presence of Jesus Christ. In his epistle, he wrote about the need of fellowship. Fellowship … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “In Fellowship With God”