Sermon Take Away: “Endure”

James 5:11; I Corinthians 2:9; 2 Corinthians 4:17 We often question why do people of God have trouble, trials, and sometimes a very hard day. It is understood that the sun will not always shine, while we patiently, but with some anxiety wait for prayers to be answered. But the rain and the clouds produce a hardened faith that will not change. There is something greater to consider in those difficult times. The word is endure. Endure is to stay the course, don’t give up and tolerate. In faith, endure is not just living to exist. Endure means that nothing … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Endure”

Sermon Take Away: “A Mixed Bag of Burdens”

Matthew 11:28-30 The Pharisees were the religious leaders and teachers who taught the law of God. They were more concerned about the errors of people, than in teaching and being examples of how to embrace the law in the love of God. At that time, the law had become more of a custom. It was never intended that any of the law be a burden. Jesus taught how to love. Jesus used the yoke to demonstrate the weight of burdens. The yoke was shared by two animals, as they pulled a wagon or some type of farm equipment to tend … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “A Mixed Bag of Burdens”