Sermon Take Away: “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”

Gospel of John 14 The earthly ministry of Jesus Christ was very spiritual, powerful and busy. Many people were saved and many doubted. His concern was for all people, but the twelve disciples were special to him. He knew that they would have to follow in his footsteps to point people to God through the salvation. One of his final messages was to “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”. The last few hours prior to his arrest were spent in prayer, consolation, and teaching with disciples. He understood their confusion and disappointment in response to his words of leaving them. Even though they did not quite … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”

Sermon Take Away: “Nothing Between”

Gospel of Mark 2 Jesus Christ is our eternal hope today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. He is our blessed Savior, who gave his life for our sins. His death has freed us from the chains of evil and has paved the way for forgiveness, repentance and eternal life. Because he is omnipresence, he is always with us.  Everyday we must praise him and draw close to him. In doing so, there will be Nothing Between you and your Savior. In the Gospels, there were many occasions where people needed to see Jesus. His teachings and the miracles that he did, kept crowds … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Nothing Between”

Sermon Take Away: “What Spirit Are You Following”

I John 4, Lamentations 3:22 It is so easy to give into false worship. It is not only the literal worship of idols. It is denying the very presence of God. As many take inventory of the past year and look forward to the new year, this is the time to consider What Spirit Are You Following. There may be times when God is denied unintentionally. The world has conformed itself to accept that there is a higher being and that there are spirits. But God is just not any spirit. He is the God, the Creator of all things. Artists write and sing songs … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “What Spirit Are You Following”

Sermon Take Away: “I Am Healed”

Mark 5:25-34; Romans 8:3 Faith in Jesus Christ gives an overflow of continuous blessings. There is nothing that is impossible, if we believe. Faith will take us to the point to be healed of anything that concerns us. Faith leads us to speak, ” I Am Healed”.  There was a woman who suffered with a blood infirmity for twelve years. The doctors could not help her and she spent all that she had. She even became worse in her condition. She heard that Jesus was travelling through teaching and healing. She believed in herself that if she was to touch his garment, she would be healed. Already … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “I Am Healed”

Sermon Take Away: “Walking in the Spirit”

Galatians 5; Romans 13:10 The word of God is good to read, learn, and apply. In it, we learn about Jesus Christ who became the innocent lamb to redeem us from sins. It is through him that we walk in the spirit.  Since the beginning, God has always given man choices. His gifts are called free promises. “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” Liberty is a gift. Christ has given us liberty from the bondage of sins. In his liberty, his spirit gives love. Therefore, we must love in … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Walking in the Spirit”

Sermon Take Away: “The Greatest Love”

I Corinthians 13 God the Father has ordained from the beginning of life men and women into his ministry. It is one of the most honorable services that one can give. The church at Corinth had a very beautiful , yet stern letter written by the Apostle Paul to address the greatest love, the driving force in ministry. The saints in Corinth had a lack of understanding of spiritual gifts and used them not to benefit the ministry. They were gentile unbelievers who came from an ungodly environment. They had to be taught that God ordain gifts to men and women to (1) perfect … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “The Greatest Love”

Sermon Take Away: “Settle The Odds”

Philipians 4 The Philippian letter written to the church brings joy, comfort and encouragement to the church today.   Of the many important topics that are needed in ministry, the Apostle Paul addresses joy, giving, unity, and love.  The saints were known to be very giving and very dedicated to the work of the ministry.  However, Paul warned them to be aware of those that will come into  the church to create discord and  distort the word of God. Euodias and Syntyche, two of his fellow laborers, had a difference between them.  But Paul addressed it right away.  He requested that the other … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Settle The Odds”

Sermon Take Away: “The Spirit is Willing”

Matthew 26:36-42; Proverbs 27:17 The study of the life of Christ is so important to our spiritual growth. The depthness of his love for us is revealed the more we study the scriptures. He was born into humanity to become the Savior of the world that we may overcome the weaknesses of the flesh. He endured his sufferings to make us free from the weight of sin.  The night in which he was taken prisoner, he and his disciples visited the Garden of Gethsemane. He loved and respected his disciples enough to take them with him to watch and pray. … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “The Spirit is Willing”

Sermon Take Away: “Be Delivered By Faith”

Hebrews 11:1, Romans 10:17 We have come this far by faith, the way to grow close to God. As the people in the bible lived through different experiences, we shall have many experiences also. Faith is the substance of things hopes for and the evidence of things not seen. It is something you don’t see, it comes from the heart. Take a filled donut for example. The outside is hope. The inside is faith, the substance which is the tasty fillings. “So faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” When the word is heard we are … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Be Delivered By Faith”

Sermon Take Away: “Judgment Reversed”

Jonah 1, 2; Romans 6:23 God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh to tell them that their wickedness had come before him. The Ninevites were enemies of Israel, whom Jonah did not were worthy of God. Instead, he chose to leave the presence of the Lord and boarded a ship that was travelling the opposite way. God caused a storm and the ship was in danger of sinking. The mariners had called on their gods but the storm continued. Jonah was found asleep at the bottom of the ship. A lot was cast and it fell on Jonah. He was … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Judgment Reversed”

Sermon Take Away: “The Controversy of Evil”

I Peter 5:8; I Corinthians 15:57 God continues to provide a sense of peace in all of the unsettled troubles that are in our communities and throughout the world.  While people of faith understand that God is still in charge, the world works to solve troubles in their carnal state.  But there is something far greater behind the troubles that man will not solve own his own.  Since the fall of Lucifer from heaven, there has been a struggle between good and evil.  Victory in Jesus Christ, reminds us that in every account Satan, the leader of the evil struggle, has been defeated.    … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “The Controversy of Evil”

Sermon Take Away: “Working Together In The Ministry”

Amos 3:3; Ephesians 4:11-13 The mission of the ministry is to teach that salvation and eternal life are in Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Sometimes the mission can get a little fuzzy and not presented in unity from believers. It is important to rely on the word of God to provide the directions. “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” Jesus said to the let the wheat and the tares grow together. It is hoped that the denominations of believers will unite in the word of the God. For there is only one truth and it is … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Working Together In The Ministry”

Sermon Take Away: “We Must Surrender All”

Ephesians 4:5,6 What a pleasure it is to talk about the goodness of God! The more we talk about him, the more we realize our constant need for him. As faith deepens, we understand what is means to surrender all to him. When he sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, he gave us everything. We join in the fellowship with Christ when we completely give of ourselves. There is only one divinity of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In him is unconditional love for us. His love inspires us to surrender to him. To surrender … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “We Must Surrender All”

Sermon Take Away: “Jesus The Spirit of Prophecy”

Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:1-17; Revelation 19:10 The war in Israel have many talking about the end of the world. In all of the world’s uncertainty, we must believe that this earth belongs to God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” He knows of all the troubles that are happening. It is during these times, we must rely on our faith and salvation in Jesus Christ. God has not left us in the dark. The adversary of God has influenced people to not believe or … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Jesus The Spirit of Prophecy”

Sermon Take Away: “Faith Living”

Romans 10:9-17 ; Hebrews 11:1-6 Faith living is how we live. It is the rooted belief that God is our Father, Jesus Christ is our Savior and the Holy Spirit is our Comforter. It is not what we do, but it is Jesus who is our guarantee to make it to heaven. In him we do have the victory. We are saved by grace, brought with the blood of Jesus Christ. He died knowing that the people he came to save would reject him. But it did not matter. God loves us all and made a way for all who … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Faith Living”

Sermon Take Away: “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”

Acts 16:25-31; I John 5:10-12 What must I do to be saved?  It is the message to keep in the frontline in church ministries.  As the world faces so many crises, masked in so much wickedness, it would appear that there is no hope for the world.  But we can rejoice because the earth belongs to God.  We can take peace to know that there is nothing going on that he does not know about.  He has all things in his power and he has a will to be fulfilled in us. The Apostles were put in jail because they taught the salvation of Jesus … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”

Sermon Take Away: “Troubled Waters”

Matthew 14:23-33 There have been so many weather related storms this year. The natural storms lead to thoughts on the personal storms in our lives.   In either storm, we don’t know the outcome. There is nothing we can do to control its movements.  But even the troubled waters are subjected to the power of God. Personal troubled waters is in reference to our challenges, problems, or trials. Trouble help us to see our weakness and the strength of God.  It is not that God can’t stop the trouble, but he wants us to see our need for him.  The disciples were … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Troubled Waters”

Sermon Take Away: “Saved By Hope”

Romans 15:13; 8:24; Jeremiah 29:11 God is my everything. These are words of hope in him. Hope is an expectation of something good. It is a belief or conviction that God can do all things. Many today lack hope because of the circumstances in their life. But believers, even though we have our share of challenges, we remain steadfast that we are saved by hope in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul taught inspiring words about saved by hope. Salvation is not something that is seen with the naked eye. It is accepted in the faith of knowing Jesus Christ as … Continue reading Sermon Take Away: “Saved By Hope”