Sermon Take Away: “Mercy and Grace”

Mark 10:46-52; Romans 10:9

The goodness of God is expressed in his love and forgiveness. He is the epitome of love. Every morning, he pours his love on us with new mercies accompanied with his amazing grace, giving us double portions of his goodness to sustain faith in him.

The good news about Jesus was heard throughout his traveling cities. Blind Bartimaeus heard that he was passing through and he positioned himself to be heard of him. Now this was a man who could not see, but yet he had spiritual insight to know Jesus. As Jesus approached his way,he cried out to him in name, “Thy Son of David have mercy on me”. Mercy is God’s kindness and compassion. “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness.” God looks beyond our faults and sees our needs. Whatever he may have done in his life, he knew that he needed God’s forgiveness and divine favor. The people tried to quiet Bartimaeus. But he cried the even more. No one knows the sentiment of another’s heart or faith. His faith did not fail him.

The grace of God was on display. Grace is similar to mercy, but it has an added ingredient. Grace is a God’s gift. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” It is something that he freely gives in addition to his compassion. We have so many gifts that we often take for granted. It is not we ourselves that have the power, but it is God that gives to us.

Bartimaeus did get the attention of Jesus and he called for him. Jesus asked what could he do for him. It was then that he asked to receive his sight. He was given grace, his sight to see and he followed Jesus in the way. The way is that of holiness and righteousness according to the will of God. His faith was on display before many and the mercy and grace of God was manifested through Jesus.

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God bless you and your families.