Sermon Take Away: “Endure”

James 5:11; I Corinthians 2:9; 2 Corinthians 4:17

We often question why do people of God have trouble, trials, and sometimes a very hard day. It is understood that the sun will not always shine, while we patiently, but with some anxiety wait for prayers to be answered. But the rain and the clouds produce a hardened faith that will not change. There is something greater to consider in those difficult times. The word is endure.

Endure is to stay the course, don’t give up and tolerate. In faith, endure is not just living to exist. Endure means that nothing will change our faith in the God of Heaven. We will remain faithful, during and after the trial. At some point in our relationship with God, we embrace the truth that God is able.

The Apostle James wrote on the patience of Job, as he encouraged the church to endure. Endure what? During this time the church was going through persecution. Many of the followers of Jesus were brutally slaughtered. They had to hold on to the words of Christ, “In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Because he endured the burden of the cross, he defeated the will of Satan.

The life of Job remains a testament to the strength of endurance. He lost his family and all of his riches in one day. Followed by a body of painful boils. His wife told him to curse God and die and his three friends tried to convince him that he did something wrong for which he did not repent. In your own circle, you have family that have testimonies of endurance, they won’t give up.

Jesus Christ endured so that we may all endure the troubles that will come our way. He did not give up on us and we must not give up on him. Remember his promises and count it all joy to endure.

Listen to this entire enlightening message that will help you to understand what it means to “Endure”. Please share this word with family and friends to help us to spread the good news about our good God. Let us know, that you are encouraged in your faith.

God bless you and your families.