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TWO NEW Sabbath School Lessons!

Writer: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

Both written by Pastor Tylvia E. Koromah – Sabbath School Lessons

Jesus used parables to convey a spiritual teaching.  A parable is a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson.  The parable of the vine and the branches teaches us how dependent we must be in Christ.(John 15:1-8)…

The Sabbath is made of time.  It is observed the seventh-day of the week, sunset to sunset.  God is worthy of all adoration. While we spend time during the week in study and prayer, this commandment directs us to go beyond the daily devotional time and honor a dedicated day of time to God.  It takes time to develop and maintain a loving and faithful relationship with our heavenly Father. We serve a wonderful God who wants us to remain acquainted with him!(Ezekiel 20:12)…

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