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Still I Rise

Writer: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

Praise God for his enduring mercies to all generations! His love is unconditional and his power is spread throughout the earth. His presence is always, as he looks upon the happenings in his earth. America celebrates the position of Kamala Harris, as she was elected, not only the first woman, but also a women of color to become a nominee for the President of United States. People are excited and many say that their hope has been revived with the possibility of Mrs. Harris to win the race. It is something to be proud of, as we remember the many black women who suffered discrimination, slavery, and treated as if they were not human. Yet those women were victorious in their end.

The Spirit of the Lord, directs my attention to the many women in the bible, who endured many hard things in their faith. "Still I Rise" is a word of strength and gratitude for the mercies, grace, love, and faith in the divine power of the Almighty God. My thoughts took me to many women that are written in the scriptures, who have helped me in my journey of faith.

There was Eve, the mother of all mothers. The mother of Moses saw that he was a proper child and protected him from death, not knowing that he would become the leader of Israel to deliver them from the Egyptian captivity. Sarah was barren, but up in age she gave birth to Isaac the son of Abraham. The promises of spiritual inheritance are through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Ruth, the Moabites, choose to follow the God of Naomi, a Hebrew. Lynda, the seller of purple, opened her home to church gatherings. There were so many faithful, loving, and beautiful women, who endured many trials. It is their spiritual strength that encourages us that we will rise to our higher expectations. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear hard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."

While we are thankful for the many opened doors for women today, let's continue to embrace the powerful word of God and salvation in Jesus Christ. It is through them all things become possible. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." As you think of something that God did for you, that only he could have done, rejoice with me and say "Still I Rise"! Lord, I than you.

This entire soul-stirring sermon from Pastor Koromah is found on our facebook page in two parts "Still I Rise". Click follow to help us spread the good news about trusting in Jesus Christ. You may contact us at

May God bless you and your families in his spirit, health, and wealth.


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