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Sermon Take Away: “When I Rise”

Writer's picture: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

I Thessalonians 4:13-17; I Corinthians 15:51-53

There are days when it seems like trouble in our communities has no end.  Thank God that he has give us his joy that is not shattered by daily events. Joy is what keeps us consistent in our trust in God. Joy is contentment and satisfaction with him, regardless of circumstances. It does not allow us to be consumed by the present troubles. Joy reminds us that in Christ we have an expectations to rise to meet our Savior in the air and to live in peace forever.  “When I Rise” is the hope of light shining in our heart, revealing that our life has an eternal purpose.

The Apostle Paul wrote about the second coming of Christ to the church at Thessalonica.  He spoke of that glorious day to ensure them that whether in death or life the reward of the saved people, those who endure until the end of their life, is sealed in Christ. The scriptures are  prophecies of Jesus Christ.  His birth, his life, his death, his resurrection, his second coming and his reign as King of Kings.  Even though a great deal of prophecies have come to pass, we still have a great deal more yet to be fulfilled.  One of them is the resurrection of the righteous at the second coming of Christ. 

At his second coming, the trump shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first. The discussion of death can be very uncomfortable and it is taken differently.  But one thing, that will not change is who saves us and how he will welcome us.   This is why it is so important to believe and accept Jesus as your personal savior.  Only in him can we be forgiven and obtain the promise of eternal life.  The righteous dead and the righteous who are alive will be caught up by the power of Christ.  There will be a rapture, but it will not be in secret.  Rapture means to raise up.  Christ has no need to take anyone by secret, when all belong to him. The scriptures give no reference to a secret rapture. “The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with him in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

“When I Rise” is a testament of faith in an eternal life that awaits the redeemed people of God.  Upon acceptance of the gift of salvation that is in the son of God, Jesus Christ, there is a mansion with your name on it.  The key is to endure until the end.   As you hold on to the promises of God, continue to envision the everlasting joy when you rise to meet our Savior in the air.    

Please click in the link to listen to this entire sermon on everlasting life by Pastor Koromah in our Facebook account Share this link with someone to help us spread this message.

May God bless us all.

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