Scripture: Philippians 1:21; Galatians 2:20,21
Our salvation will be completed when our eyes shall behold the righteousness of Jesus Christ. When we accept salvation in Christ, our life is no longer our own. The choice is made “To Live is Christ”.
The Apostle Paul addressed the Philippians to maintain their faithfulness Christ. In doing so, he gave a brief testimony about his life. He experienced much persecutions for the sake of the gospel because he was fully committed to the service of Christ. He loved Christ. He trusted him to save his life and his soul. To live is Christ is a statement of faith to express full surrender to him. In Paul’s sufferings, he embraced his faith to trust in deliverance and peace that only Christ was to give.
“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” A just reward is given to believers who endure until the end. There are 2 types of death. The first death is of the flesh, the old man Adam is buried and we become a new creature in Christ. We live for Christ because we no longer live to satisfy the flesh. We gain freedom from the bondage of sins. The second death is natural, breathe ceases from the body. Upon the return of Christ, we shall gain a white robe and a glorious crown.
The Apostle Paul addressed the Galatians in reference to the gospel of grace and the gospel of the law. There were some Jews who wanted to hold on to the traditions of the laws. They failed to fully accept that Christ died for the remission of sins. No more sacrifices are needed or acknowledged by God. Christ was crucified for us. Crucifixions were an ancient Roman punishment. It was the worst form of punishment in the history of man. Sin separate us from God. The only way to eradicate sin was for him to give us his all, his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. He took on our debt and became the lamb of God so that our sins are forgiven.
There are no excuses to live in sin. He even makes it easy to live for him, “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Our eternal hope is to make an exchange of living for Christ to living with Christ. Alleluia!
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From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ.