Mark 12:28-31; Matthew 22:37-40; Matthew 5:44; I Corinthians 13;6,7
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself”. This is known as the golden rule. It sounds simple and many try to live by it. But love is something that we just can’t create. It comes from a far greater power than man himself. Our Creator God is the epitome of love. Love comes from him.
Jesus came to magnify the law of God. The educated and spiritual leaders did not fully understand love. They were so focused in the written law that they did not apply it to their lives. What was written in the Torah, was to dwell within the heart and mind of man. “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart…And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”
There seems to be a disconnect with the love of God and the love of our neighbor. But they are two commandments in one. When we learn to love God, we will know how to love each other. Love is embraced when we get to know God. Know that he is the Creator of all things. Know that from the beginning of humanity, he has always been merciful and gracious. Know that the sin of Adam did not stop the love of God. The love of God made the way for man to be forgiven. Sin separates us from God. But Jesus Christ unites us to God.
The commandments to love God and to love your neighbors are equally important. If you want to understand the love of God which is in Christ, study the gospels. Jesus remained focused in his purpose to do the will of his Father, to give his life for the sins of the whole world.
The golden rule applies to even loving our enemies. “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate…” Only the salvation in Christ will give the power to love people who are in opposition to you. Jesus makes is possible that we can do this. Everything turns to knowing Jesus Christ.
Love bearth of all things…we accept the burdens of other. Love believeth all things…all the promises of God. Love hopeth all things…envision the promises that you believe of God. Endureth all things…determination. Love depends on love. True unselfish love that comes from our God is the missing link in the world today. If we welcome is unconditional love, there would not be so much divisions, hatred and malice. Today, God is still giving us the opportunity to live the golden rule as Jesus spoke of in the gospels. It is very possible because Christ did it all just for us.
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Blessings to you and and your families.