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Sermon Take Away: “ONE PRAYER AWAY”

Writer's picture: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

Luke 18:1-10; Matthew 15:21-28

“Men ought to always pray and not faint.” Prayer is a statement of belief in the God of Heaven. It is an allegiance and acknowledgement to his power and authority over our lives and everything in earth. It is a way to keep us align with his will. In the Importunate Widow parable, the importance of persistent prayer is the valuable lesson.

The widow knew the judge of the city had the authority to avenge her of her adversary. Even though he gave no consent to her request, she continued to weary him for vengeance. Now this judge had no regard for God or for man, but because he did not want to bothered by the widow, he granted her request.

God is just in all his ways. He is loving and forgiving and there are so many more wonderful ways of him. Even though we sin and we come short of his glory, he extends to us mercies and grace and does respond to our prayers. He does not ignore the earnest prayer of the faithful. “He shall call upon me and I will answer him”, is one the many scriptures that points to his attentive to our prayer. One Prayer Away tells us to never stop asking, knocking and seeking from God. When you ask things in his will, he will answer your prayer in due time. But if you stop to ask and lack belief, you will miss the blessings that he has for you.

Just as the widow, we must remain persistent in prayer. A persistent prayer is sincere, desire of the heart and in faith. Sincere because you trust in the heavenly Father. Desire of the heart is an earnest need to be fulfilled that only he can do. In faith, is to hold on to who he is and his promises as given in his word.

We will experience troubles and will need deliverance from the adversary. The deliverance will not always happen right away. This is when a devoted life, which is grounded in prayer and belief becomes very apparent. We know that God has everything we need. Salvation, protection, healing, wisdom, everything. God did not give up on man. He gave us his all when he sent for Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. We must not give up on God. Remain faithful in prayer, one prayer at a time. Thank God that he is just One Prayer Away.

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May God bless us all!

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