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Sermon Take Away: “Look and Live”

Writer's picture: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

II Chronicles 7:17; Numbers 21:4-10 ; John 12::30-32

Daily news will cause us to feel compassion, concerns and even frustrated for families who are in some very despairing situations.   The acceptance of the mercies of God and his continual love helps to ease those feelings.   He knows about all things that are happening in the lives of families.   “The earth is the Lord’s and fulness; The world, and they that dwell therein.”  If we follow the scriptures, disobedience to God is the primary cause of trouble in the world.  The same life changing message that is written I Chronicles 7:14, is very relevant to us today.    ”If my people, which are called by name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

In the book of Numbers, the Israelites were stricken by serpents because of their murmurings against God. However, the longsuffering of God did not a permit the nation of Israel to be destroyed.  Longsuffering is that God tolerates us in times of defiance to his will.  He instructed Moses to take a pole and set a fiery serpent upon it.   The very thing that caused death among them was used to save them.  This command caused them to turn their attention to their failure to obey and trust God.

The people were instructed to look to the serpent and live. There is nothing that is more powerful than God.  Later, Christ spoke to his followers and told them a similar message.  When we position ourselves to look to the cross of Christ, we are looking for the immediate hope that he provides.  It is not the literal cross.  It is the symbolic meaning of the cross.  Our attention to anything else will not deliver us.  His death on the cross took on all sins and anything that will attempt to destroy our lives.  When we look to Christ, we shall live.   He is our refuge in present trouble.  While prayers and praise are rendered to him, his power is released and we are blessed of his deliverance.

Only Christ can take something that is meant for our harm and turn it to our way of deliverance.   Satan, intended for his death on the cross to end all teachings and belief in him as the Savior of the world.  The cross was necessary to save us from our sins.  Christ had to die to save and restore man to our Almighty God.  The power of God is beyond human comprehension.  His power demonstrates his love for us.  As we continue to hear sorrow that has overtaken families in our communities, keep the faith, look and live in the fullness of our blessed Savior, Jesus Christ.  Just as he was the ultimate sacrifice for sin, he is the ultimate Savior for our lives.

Click in this link to hear this encouraging message and share with others this message from Pastor Koromah. .

May God bless you and your families.

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