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Sermon Take Away: Little Made Much

Writer's picture: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

Scriptures: Mark 12:41-44; Philippians 4:6-8

There is no better view to be in than in the eyes of our heavenly Father and our blessed Savior. The cross of Christ is our constant reminder of their love for us.

Jesus has given us so much in the inspired word of God. In the gospel chapter of Mark, the people were in the temple giving their offerings. Jesus watched as the people gave. His watch is not like the leaders at that time or even the leaders of our time. Many of the givers were rich. He made note of a poor widow who gave two mites. Poor in the sense that she had no money. Two mites in value were equal to 2 pennies, the lowest wage for the common people. But she gave that to the treasury. Jesus pointed her out to the disciples because he wanted us to know that she gave more than all the rich people.

There are three points to mention in this lesson.

  1. humility – The poor widow was not ashamed of what she had to give. She made no show of her offering. Humility is to know that God is above you. It indicates that at any given time or in any given situation it not about you, but it should be about God or others. Humility indicates that you can take and give without feeling superior to others.

  2. measure – Christ does not look at what we do, as man does. The public measures us according to our social status, the rich verses the poor, the haves and the have nots. In this passage of scripture, Christ is not so much interested in what was given, as to how it was given. We want to give to God because he is the one that gives so much to us. Our successes and blessings are because he have allowed us to achieve. So whatever we give, whether it be monetary offerings, our time or our talent we must do it in the love and faith of God. This widow did not feel threaten by the giving of the rich people.

  3. faith – Christ looks at our heart. The heart is where we hold our true feelings. The poor widow gave of her “For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.” No doubt she trusted in her God to provide all that she needed. She had nothing left, but to trust God.

The poor widow was a very faithful to her faith. It seems like she just wanted to give God something. She gave him her heart. Faith in action is trusting God when you don’t have or can see a way out. Faith is to believe that He will take care of you. This is what Christ see in us. He knows our intentions. How far are we willing to go.

The rich people gave out of the abundance of their riches. They did not miss what they gave, they had more to go back to. The poor widow had nothing. The best she could do was to surrender her life to God. God will provide for us. Paul wrote not to be consumed in worry. Take the worries to God in pray, give him your supplications and thank him.

The poor widow received much more than she gave in the treasury. She received much more than the rich people gave. She had the peace of God in her heart. With God’s peace, we have everything that we need.

Please watch this sermon in its entirety on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel and be blessed.

From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ

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