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Sermon Take Away: It is Written

Writer: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

Scriptures: II Timothy 3:16&17; Psalms 119:105

All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness: That the man f God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” The bible is very rich and important in its history origination. It remains one of the most popular books and yet the most misunderstood book. One popular misunderstanding is that the bible was written by men. The bible was inspired, therefore written by the God of heaven and the earth. He is the author of this most popular book for all people.

The bible was published by King James in 1611. At the time, the bible was popularly available in Latin because Rome government had a great deal of authority in the instruction of the early Christians. Other languages were Hebrew and Greek, at that time. The written word in the King James was strictly inspired by God. Under his divine direction, men were selected to interpret the Latin, Hebrew and Greek languages into an English (universal) language for the reading and studying of many Christians. King James purpose was to bring biblical uniformity within his country. He was the reigning king who ordered the publication of the English translation of the bible.

It is very important to note that God loves us to much that he inspired the print move of the bible. The word of God is necessary for people to know who he is and his will for his most cherished creatures, you and me. From Genesis to Revelation we know why we needed to be saved, salvation is found in Jesus Christ and how we prepare for eternal life. The written word of God is given that we may know how to live a righteous and accepted life in him. The only way we will know it if we take time to pray, read and study this powerful word. It will change our lives. We can find an abundance of truth in the bible to help guide us in our journey of faith.

Most items that we purchase come with an operating manual or instructions on how to download. The scriptures is our operating manual. It gives very informed chapters of who God is, his love for us and our love for each other. The scriptures give light as why we needed a Savior and why it was the only son of God. The scriptures tell us how to prepare to meet him and the eternal joy of living in heaven and so much more. As intelligent as man is, he could never write or give us this very important word of God on his own. The word is inspired by God. He was the master mind behind this masterpiece Alleluia!

As written in II Timothy 3:16, the word is profitable for doctrine. A set of beliefs are established, as provided in the scriptures, to guide the lives of people. It is profitable for reproof. The word, through the working of the Holy Spirit, will convict us when we are contrary to his will. Convictions will have us to seek for the mercies and help of God. It is profitable for correction. The word tells us that that we have the opportunities to be forgiven, leading to true repentance. It is profitable for instruction in righteousness. We need some guidelines, some instructions as to the Lord’s will. Our God would not have left us alone to to make laws to govern ourselves. His love for us too important.

In conclusion, Psalm 119:105, Thy word is lamp unto my feet, and light unto my path. The lamp is the device which represents the bible The light is the object which represents the word of God. Just as in the natural, when you turn on the flashlight you see light. In the spiritual, when you prayerfully open the bible, you will receive light that will lead you to an eternal peaceful life in heaven with our mighty God of Creation and Jesus Christ our blessed Savior.

Please watch this sermon in its entirety on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel and be blessed.

From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ

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