Scripture: Luke 18:1-14
In Jesus Christ, we have so much freedom and opportunities to reach the throne of our heavenly Father. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” In Christ, we understand the need to pray. Our prayer life is extremely important. Prayer is when we exercise our faith that we trust in God. Prayer is when we acknowledge that God is supreme. He is above all things.
I must tell Jesus. There should always be an urgency to pray. When we pray, there is a willingness to take everything to him. We need him for direction and protection. When we pray, we show that he is above us.
In the first parable, the widow insisted on help from the unjust judge. She knew that he could avenge her and make her free from her adversary. She remained persistent. “I must” is a spirit of determination to reach the attention of Jesus.
We must position ourselves for a powerful prayer. A prayer in which we give him adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. Powerful prayer is a get down prayer. At time, when we know that nobody can help us. It is a time of complete surrender to the will of God. Jesus can come us, Jesus alone.
The parable teaches us to remain faithful in prayer and not to faint. We stay before God in a humble and meek spirit. But bold in that we believe that Jesus is with us. Never entertain doubt or fear. In due time, Jesus will respond to our get down, powerful prayer.
In the second parable, it does not matter how long we have been saved or how long we have a prestigious title in the ministry. If we do not learn how to pray, we will be found as the Pharisee. He approached God as if his works would give him favor with God. Our lives should follow the example of the publican. He approached God in humility. He confessed that he was a sinner, in need of the mercies of God.
Listen to this sermon in its entirety is available on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. May God bless you.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ.