II Thessalonians 5:16-18; Luke 17:11-19; II Corinthians 4: 14-18
In the ten commandments, it is written that “for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God…”. Honor and reverence is given to none other but him. The word of God is the food that we need to get through every day. The Apostles continued to spread the gospel after the ascension of Christ. Paul wrote to the church to give thanks in all things. God gives us promises and in return, we must give him thanks. All things includes the good and difficult things in our lives. We give thanks for trials because they are intended to draw us closer to him.
As followers of Jesus, we must surrender ourselves to him, open our hearts and let him dwell in us. Jesus gave us his Holy spirit to dwell within us. He died to take on our burdens. Thank God for Jesus.
In the gospel of Luke 17, Jesus healed 10 lepers. Lepers, who were unclean, lived in their own villages. Leprosy was a contagious disease. Jesus heard their cry for mercies, which is one of the many promises from God. Sometimes the response to our prayers may not come when we want them. But never forget that he hears us. The prayer is already answered. We just have to wait for the response to happen. The healed leper, a Samaritan, turned around to Jesus and gloried God. He fell down at the feet of Jesus. Jesus came to minister to the Jews. But his love and mercies has no boundaries. The gift of salvation is for whosoever will come to him. This leper took the extra mile to thank God.
“Give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesús concerning you”. Everything in our lives is for a greater purpose, being the will of God. Just as Christ ascended to heaven, we shall also ascend. God had everything plan for man before he was born. The Apostle Paul refer to our afflictions as “light affliction”, but it may seem forever when you are going through a difficult situation. God is concerned about our soul. Compared to eternal life, what we go through in life is light. Even in afflictions we are to give thanks.
We must continue to acknowledge the goodness of God. Let him know that you love him and that you are thankful. “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesús” concerning you. King David danced after his victory of retrieving the ark of the God from the enemy. King Nebuchadnezzar gave exaltation to God, after he lived as a creature in the wilderness because of his defiance to God. After seven years, he was delivered and realized that he was not in control. It was God that gave him the opportunity to repent.
Continue to thank God for his word. Learn it, study it, and apply it. It all points to Jesus Christ. Recognize him and give him thanks.
Click in this link to hear this entire message from Sister LeQuita. Please help us to spread this message to give thanks for all things. https://www.facebook.com/1PathtoJesus/videos/920624842455791
Blessings to you and and your families.
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