Scripture: Matthew 16:24-26; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:42; Matthew 27:54
The cross is an immediate reminder of death. For Christians, it is an emblem of the suffering of Christ. It is an emblem of how we desperately we needed Christ to reconcile us to our heavenly Father.
The cross is used in reference to bearing burdens. The weight of the cross that Christ carried was heavy. Yet, the symbolic gesture of the cross indicates the burden of the world that Christ did carry. But his suffering was not done in vain. When he reached Calvary, which is also called Golgotha, it was there that he was nailed to the cross. It was there that he died. It was there that our salvation was eternally paid.
The cross had significant meaning for three men mentioned in the Gospels: Simon the Cyrenian, the malefactor on the right of Christ on the cross and the centurion. Simon was passing through Jerusalem when he was compelled to carry Christ cross. Often situations are forced on us and an immediate action is required. No doubt while carrying the cross, he had thought about the innocent Christ. It is when we are under pressure our attention should look to Christ. The malefactor confessed that he was worthy of his punishment, but Christ was not. He seem to show some guilt for the wrong which he had done. He turned to Christ on his death cross and requested to be remembered in his kingdom. The centurion, who had charged of 100 soldiers, stood at the foot of the cross. Now by qualifications he had to be a stern attentive man. Yet he was broken when he witnessed the glory of God in Christ. It was on Calvary that he witnessed real authority, power and justice.
The lessons of these men shed light that we will have crosses to bear. But we can take them to Calvary. Jesus said “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” It is in Christ that every man, women, and child will know the how much God loves them when they believe Christ to be their personal savior. One must acknowledge his need for heavenly help. The Savior who died on Calvary continues to give us what we need to bear our burdens. Take comfort to know that you are not alone. His cross was much heavier than we will ever have. His burden was the whole world. Yet because of the incredible power of God, he subdued all that was trouble, wrong, bad, evil, unholy and the such, so that we can be burden free. May we take time to understand the depth of the cross of Christ and the glory of Calvary.
Listen to this insightful sermon in its entirety is available on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. May God bless you.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ