Scriptures: Matthew 6:1-13
Even in the most difficult moments, it is good to know that the spirit of Christ is with you. He said that he would be with you at all times. Yes, he is. His presence dwells in your heart.
Jesus taught that when we pray, it is not to make ourselves appear pious before men. He saw the activities of the temple leaders and that their prayers was not for the glory of God. Prayer is a time to acknowledge that God is our supreme Lord.
When you pray, you go into your secret closet. A secret closet is where you feel comfortable to pray to God. Prayer is very personal and meaningful. It is a time when you exercise your faith. It was common for the religious leaders to pray openly among people and to wear large symbols that represent their faith to be seen of men. When you pray, you want to reach God’s heavenly throne. Your prayer and praise is to him and for his honor.
Your heart becomes your secret closet when you are saved and filled with the presence of the Lord. It is in our heart that we accept and cherish the love of God and Jesus. When we come to Jesus, we seek him for a clean heart. His precious blood cleans out all things that are contrary to the will of God. In the heart of believers, there is grace, love, joy and the such. When you pray, you rely on your faith in Jesus Christ. When you pray in secret, our Father in heaven will see and reward you openly. He sees your faithfulness to him.
In prayer, you express a request or a praise. You may go to God many times about the same request and each time your words may be different because in your heart closet their is confidence in your relationship with the Savior. Again, prayer is a faithful expression to the trust of God.
Jesus taught the disciple prayer in Matthew 6: 9-13. This prayer acknowledges our need for our heavenly Father in every way. We need to align with his will. We need him to give us our daily bread, We need his forgiveness. We need him to refrain from temptations. We need to give him praise for his power and glory. Remember, when you need the Savior, his presence is in your. Trust in your heart closet.
This sermon in its entirety is available on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. May God bless you.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ