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Sermon Take Away: “Encourage Yourself In the Lord”

Writer: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Praises to our heavenly Father who gave us the way of salvation in his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. His love for us is a constant reminder that we are never alone. Thinking on his faithfulness and goodness, strengthens our faith in him.

The Apostle Paul wrote many words of inspiration and encouragement to the church. The messages are just as important for us today. There are times when it may seem like the walls are closing in. You may feel absorb in trials. But his Spirit brings us to a place that we remember the Lord. During those times, we encourage ourselves in the Lord when we rejoice, pray without ceasing and give thanks.

“Rejoice evermore.” Encourage means to have confidence and to uplift. Even the most faithful believers are troubled on every side, yet not distressed. We are encouraged because of the victory in Christ. Rejoice in the many times when God was trusted for his mercies and grace. When encouragement is needed, dwell more on what God means to you. For he greater than anything that can discourage us.

“Prayer without ceasing.” Prayer is the breathe of the soul.  It is how we receive spiritual power.  Prayer brings the heart into immediate contact with the Chief Cornerstone of our salvation and strengthens the very core of our spiritual experience.  In it we give adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. Jesus patiently waits for us to call on him. Don’t allow anything to discourage you to pray. He alone will help you.

“In every thing give thanks…” It is easy to be thankful when things are going well. But we are commanded to give thanks in every thing, even in trials and disappointments. In giving thanks, we focus on positive outcomes, trusting in Jesus for deliverance. In doing so, Jesus is worshipped as our joy, peace and Savior.

Listen to this entire educational message on “Encourage Yourself in the Lord” on our Facebook page.

From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ.

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