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Sermon Take Away: “Benefits From Above “

Writer's picture: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

Psalm 103:1-11; Malachi 3:10

The Lord is blessing us right now. Our benefits are our blessings. It is good to speak of the blessings of yesterday. But blessings are ongoing. They are present. The book of Psalms teaches such a deep spiritual connection with God and the believer. In Psalm 103, we are commanded to “Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name”. We bless God with praise and honor. He is so loving and merciful.

“Forget not all his benefits”. We are prone to forget, especially the good things. In the scriptures, God tells us want needs attention in our life. This Psalm is a message to give thanks for his many benefits. At times, we tend to dwell on what is not right or what we don’t have. Benefits are not earned. God freely gives them to us. All we have to do is acknowledge the giver of our benefits. The old testament law required the sacrifice of animals for sin atonement. But now there is one universal blessing of salvation in Christ for all. In Christ, there are so many wonderful benefits from above.

1) He forgives all of our iniquities. Iniquities is a habitual life of sin without repentance. Each morning we have new mercies, giving an opportunity to seek his forgiveness. 2) He heals us from all manner of diseases: physical, mental and spiritual. The blood of Christ saves and heals. 3) He delivers from life of destruction. God is able to pull us out of a very bad course of life. 4) He crowns us with loving kindness and tender mercies. God wants nothing but good for us. A crown symbolizes royalty, importance and control. His love will cover us until we realize our need for him. 5) He satisfies the mouth with good things. As a result of receiving his benefits, we have good things to say. We have a testimony to share that we can’t keep to ourselves.

While in his earthly ministry, Jesus asked for many not to tell of their healing. But they were so joyfully overwhelmed, they had to tell somebody.

Many are oppress today. There is no inequality when it comes to God. Let him fight your battle. Keep our eyes on eternal life. He showed who he was to Israel when he delivered them from Pharaoh, took them through the red sea, gave them the commandments and there were so many more benefits from above.

King David, the writer of this inspiring Psalm, reiterates that the Lord is merciful, gracious and slow to anger. Never forget that. We have life because of him. The Lord mercies are a divine pardon from doing contrary to his commands. He gives us a chance to seek forgiveness and repentance. Take time to think on the benefits above. Constantly, he blesses us and we are short to thank him. Don’t take the benefits for granted. Don’t use him but want him.

Thank God for Jesus. Where would we be without him? Bring your tithes and offerings into the house of the Lord and God will open up the windows and bless you with an abundance of benefits. His benefits are always flowing. Let’s be grateful and open our hearts to him with flowing praises.

This entire inspiring message by Sister LeQuita is on our Facebook page.

May God bless us all.

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