Scripture: Matthew 25
The second advent of Christ will end our need for salvation and begin an eternal life in the joys of heaven. The righteous will be called to behold the love, glory, holiness and power of God and Jesus . For many generations, his coming has been in high anticipation. Be careful because there are many false teachings as to when and how he will return. There is a very important message that should be carefully noted when studying the coming of Christ. His coming tells us to be ready.
Matthew 24 is very profound study. It gives us very specific information that was for the disciples, information for us today and information for the future. It is a chapter that can be understood by prayer and the working of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ taught to “Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” No one knows the day nor hour when he shall make his glorious appearance. To be ready does not mean that we isolate our lives and keep an eye for him in the sky. It does not mean that we try to make ourselves perfect. We need Jesus for perfection. There is no checklist to gage the state of readiness. To be ready is to confess, repent and to trust in Christ daily.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we watch our ways, actions, tongues, conversation(way of life) and habits. The bible instructs us in how to live for God. When we chose Christ, we chose to live in his will. The heart and the mind are transformed daily. The more we are incline to obey God, we remain ready. All in the mercies and grace of God.
When the way of Christ is chosen, life is conducive to a righteous living. His Spirit will help us. In the course of you living in Christ, studying and praying, he will reveal what you need to know about his soon coming. At this time, we do know we must remain in him. “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
Listen to this entire educational message on “Be Ye Ready” on our Facebook page.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ.