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Sermon Take Away: Be Still

Writer: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

Scripture: Psalms 46 & 27, Hebrews 11:6, Colossians 3:12

Be still and know that God is not going anywhere. To Moses God was “I Am”. He is the Creator of all. His presence is evident. Therefore we acknowledge him in all things. One thing that people throughout this world have in common is the pandemic. In addition, there is an alarming increase in crime, disgruntled people and the list of problems continue. The enemy will do want he does best, destroy. But believers in the faith take a continual comfort in the words “Be Still” and know that God is with us.

King David led a remarkable life of trouble and joys, while he learned to trust in God. He is our immediate help in trouble for our healing, to provide daily provisions, to protect us, to save us and so so much more. When we acknowledge him, we make known his presence. David had to stop and let God handle his troubles. This is what we must do. Think of positive things to maintain your courage in the Lord. “God is our refuge…” While waiting on the Lord, turn to favorite scriptures and songs to nurture your spirit. The enemy will tempt us to deny the presence of God especially when there is trouble. Take comfort in the words “Be still, and know that I am God” . In this, we remember that he is above all things.

In Hebrews 11:6, with faith we please God. When you diligently need something, you diligently seek God. He has the power over all things. God must be taken personally and as we get to know him more, we will understand the power of “I Am”. His Spirit is with you wherever you go because he dwells in our heart. Thank him everyday for Christ. It is through him that we know God. Choose to exercise your faith and “Be Still”.

Queen Esther was not troubled by the awkward position she was in, being a Hebrew before a Persian king. Instead she continued to seek God and she was encouraged by her uncle Morcedai of her purpose to fulfill. During their time, the enemy had plan an attack on the Hebrews. Even though trouble was present, they remained focused on God. While we obey the command to “Be Still”, we are still praying and praising our deliverance.

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart”. The word leads us to pray. If you stop praying, you are not thinking about God. Just as gas is needed to fuel the car to keep it running, we have to pray to remain connected to Christ. What matters to us is important to him.

The Apostle Paul wrote Colossians 3:12 to encourage the church. In Christ, we walk in light, accepting the whole package. He considers our works in response to our faith. Believers take on the qualities: bowels of mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forbearing and forgiving. With peace, we must allow God to mold us.

Our life is being recorded by the angels in heaven. Continue to wait on the Lord and be still, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. Turn to Jesus, he is with you. He promised to never leave us. This shows us how powerful God is. Acknowledge him in you. He enjoys when you tell who he is.

Listen to this entire message on “Be Still” on our Facebook page.

From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ.

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