Matthew 11:28-30
The Pharisees were the religious leaders and teachers who taught the law of God. They were more concerned about the errors of people, than in teaching and being examples of how to embrace the law in the love of God. At that time, the law had become more of a custom. It was never intended that any of the law be a burden.
Jesus taught how to love. Jesus used the yoke to demonstrate the weight of burdens. The yoke was shared by two animals, as they pulled a wagon or some type of farm equipment to tend to the crops. It was very hard work. The yoke that we carry is our mixed bag of burdens. God does not want us to bear burdens alone. He wants us to trust the shoulders of Jesus and give him our burdens.
Jesus invites us to take on his yoke and he will give us rest. Unlike the Pharisees, Jesus taught the law in love and compassion. The needs and concerns of the people had become his. On the cross, he took on the burden of the world. A yoke is heavy. We need the strength of Jesus who has power of all things. He feels our discomforts and pains. It is up to us to trust him.
As long as we bear burdens, it will be difficult to have peace. When we release our burdens to Jesus, “ye shall find rest unto your souls”. In Christ, expect the best of all things even during days of trouble. The greatest burden that we all share is sin. He died to save of us from sin. Sin keeps us from receiving the peace of God that we so desperately need.
When life wants to give you a mixed bags of burdens, this in when you must trust Jesus. Anything that troubles you or make you feel uncomfortable becomes a burden. He invites us to come to him. “For his yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Oh the joy of salvation!
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May the peace and love of God be with you and your families.