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QA: What is Prayer?

Writer: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

The Power of P-R-A-Y-E-R


And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1). Prayer brings natural and spiritual peace. When you’re placing your trust in God you are increasing your faith because you have decided to put worldly and manly trust aside to lay everything in God’s hand. Jesus said to always pray and you will not faint. Trouble and hardships may come your way, but Jesus promised to take them all away. He is your refuge and your hope. Never give up. Constantly go to God in prayer and tell him exactly what you want. If it is in God’s will you will see your prayer answered. He may not answer it when you want Him to, but he will do so on time. Prayer teaches you patience. The world we live in today has grown to be at its own fast pace, but time belongs only to God. Man has no control of it no matter how much it seems to be. So relax, get on your knees, and pour out your heart and cry. There is nothing wrong with crying. Actually it’s a great way to release stress. Even Jesus cried. Remember prayer is peace.


While you are on your knees or standing in the grocery line always remember to ask for forgiveness. Sometimes we fall short to sin. Because we are of flesh we are prone to sin. Satan is always working to knock a saint off his or her feet. You must remember that God’s mercies endure forever and are renewed every time you open your eyes the next day (Psalm 136:1). In the Epistles of John, he wrote that if you say you have not sinned then you make God a liar (1 John 1:10). That is the worst thing you want to say. When you repent you are washing yourself in the blood of Jesus to erase your deeds from your book in heaven. Everyone has their own book being recorded with everything: thought, deed, conversation, action, and sins. When you go before the Lord in prayer you want nothing to stand in between you and your blessings.



E-ternal Life…



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