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Prayer: Prayer Changes Everything

Writer: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ
Memory Verse: II Kings 20:2-3 – The he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the Lord, saying, I beseech thee, O Lord, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight.  And Hezekiah wept sore.”

Hezekiah was a good king of Judah who reigned for twenty nine years.  He did that which was good.  He became sick unto death.  The prophet Isaiah visited him with a word from God to set his house in order because he was going to die and not live.  The command to set thine house in order was a loving warning to Hezekiah to make haste to get his soul ready for death.  It was a time for deep soul searching to prepare to meet death, but yet eternal life. (II Kings 18:3; 20:1)

Hezekiah was obedient to the words of the prophet and prayed.  He turned his faced to the wall and prayed.  The act of turning his face to the wall meant that he closed out everything around him and went into deep prayer to God.  This is why it is important that we are sure about our salvation.  At the end of our journey, we have to stand before God alone.  There are many times in our lives when we will not have others to pray with us.  When it comes to self-examination, that is between you and God.  When faced with hard matters, such as life or death, that is between you and God.  He confessed his sins and made known to God the good that he had done. (Isaiah 20:2-3; Romans 4:3)

No sooner did the prophet leave, God spoke to him that he would add 15 years to Hezekiah’s life.  Isaiah returned to Hezekiah and told him that God had seen his tears and that he will be healed.  Hezekiah asked for a sign that this was true. Isaiah asked should the shadow of degree go forward ten degrees or backward ten degrees.  Hezekiah requested that the shadow go back ten degrees because that was more difficult.  God is a God of promise.  He is not man, that he should lie. (Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 38:7-8)

We must always be ready to receive bad news.  Prayer helps us to deal with bad news because we turn our attention to the only one that can help, God who is all knowing and cares very much about us.  When we learn to have a strong commitment to pray, we become stronger and peace will abide in times of troubles. Hezekiah did not become discouraged, but he did as the prophet commanded him: he prayed that his house be set in order. 

It is commonly taught that 15 years was added to his life because he asked to live, which is a reasonable thought because most people want to live.  The scripture teaches that he turned his face to the wall and prayed.  If we take this thought into consideration, the 15 years was added because he was obedient and did pray that his life be in order. As hard as it may be to accept, it is far more important that our souls be right with God than to be healed of our illnesses.  The flesh will be consumed, but our immortal souls will live forever!  Prayer is an amazing communication that we have with God, but the results of powerful prayer is even more amazing.  In his willingness to obey and pray, God heard his prayer.  As a result not only was he healed and lived longer, his soul was also healed. (I Corinthians 15:53)

Prayer changes things.  God loves us and he is pleased when we cast all our cares on him.  “Casting all your cares upon him; for he careth for you.” The believer has power to change things in his/her life.   Have faith that when you pray God hears and he will answer your prayer “exceeding above all that you ask or think according to the power that worketh in you.” In the name of Jesus, we have the victory. (I Peter 5:7; Ephesians 3:20)


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