“For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.”
God shows us how his kingdom is made in power: he created Heaven and Earth, He created man in His own image, He created fowls and beasts and creeping things, His love and good nature abides for eternity as well as in us, the only way you can be saved is through Jesus Christ (a spiritual matter), He transformed and sent His only begotten son Jesus to dwell, preach, do miracles, and die on Calvary for our sins then resurrected him, His good nature beats Satan’s ten fold, and He would do anything to protect those who follow Him.
After reading and studying the Bible, asking for understanding, we come to see that God enjoys showing what He can do. First He tells us then he does it and amazes us. Like Moses and the red sea, He would do anything to prove to people He is the one and Almighty God, the one we should be serving day and night, the one we should put our trust in.
As God show his power through love every day he would show it at the end time as well. When everyone’s made their final decisions He will do as He told us He would do in Revelations. He will destroy evil once and for all and the righteous will live with Him eternally.